I am a Master's student at Arizona State University. My primary advisor is Dr. Ruoyu (Fish) Wang, but I also work with Dr. Yan Shoshitaishvili, Dr. Adam Doupé and Dr. Tiffany Bao. I currently work at SEFCOM lab with a group of amazing cybersecurity researchers. My research focuses on system security, especially on program analysis, reverse engineering and vulnerability discovery. I've found bugs in NTFS-3G, XFS and Pillow.
I interned at Microsoft during Summer 2024 where I got an opportunity to work with an awesome group of security researchers and engineers. During the internship, I developed a framework to automatically fix C/C++ static analysis warnings usings LLMs.
I play CTFs with Shellphish, my hacker handle is r00tus3r. I used to play with team bi0s during my undergrad. I primarily focus on reverse engineering challenges, but I occasionally try out some binary exploitation challenges as well.
You can find my resume here.
- MS in Computer Science at Arizona State University, USA, 2025 (Expected)
- BTech in Computer Science at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India, 2019
- 11th Place at DEFCON Finals (with Shellphish), 2023
- 10th Place at HITB PRO CTF Finals (with Shellphish), 2021
- Runners-up at CSAW Embedded Security Challenge (with Pwndevils), 2019
- Black Hat Student Scholarship, Black Hat USA, 2019
- Student Excellence Award, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, 2018
- CSE 545: Software Security, Assisted Dr. Ruoyu (Fish) Wang (Fall 2023)
- CSE 365: Introduction to Information Assurance, Assisted Dr. Ruoyu (Fish) Wang (Fall 2022)